For your viewing enjoyment I present to you our random thoughts and activities. Many don't even make much sense to us - the authors. Estranged love? This is more of "a strange love."

- Should have known... - Thursday, June 22, 2006

So as you know, or may not know, I can't hear out of my right ear. It causes a lot of pressure to build up in my head, and it hurts. Well yesterday my dear husband FORCED me to finally go to the doctor. I mean, every other issue I've had has cleared up and been okay - why not this one also.... but nooooo, had to go see Doctor Jake.

He was very nice, and didn't speak that highly non-understandable language known across the world as "doctor speak." He was nice, and he made us laugh. Something interesting - I found out I'm shorter than I thought, and also fatter than I thought. So everyone who says they're 5'6 - you're really like 5'4 - because I'm 5'2... I'm still taller than Prince (5'), but not Lenny Kravitz - (5'4) HAHA!!

Okay - so Doctor Jake is looking in my ears and asks "how often do you clean your ears?" Well, any self respecting woman who's mother is a hypochondriac knows that answer, I said "several times a week." (What?? I'm a bit paranoid ever since the whole potatoes in the ears thing- even though I know it's not possible... or is it) So he looks in my ears and says - we've got a little wax in there - GROSS!!!! ACK!!! YUCK! But then he sits down and tells me to stop using q-tips, and don't put anything in my ear except a wet washcloth that's wrapped around my finger because the cotton is forming a film on my eardrum - HUH??

Regardless - that's not the cause of my hearing loss. I've got water in my middle ear, and now I'm on antibiotics - joy.

So my question for everyone is this - why don't they tell you this stuff in all those numerous health courses you have to take throughout your undergraduate education? This would definitely put a damper on Johnson & Johnson's profits.

Public service announcement - "Q-tips SUCK!!!"


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