For your viewing enjoyment I present to you our random thoughts and activities. Many don't even make much sense to us - the authors. Estranged love? This is more of "a strange love."

- The first of many... - Thursday, May 18, 2006

So this is officially my first post - I feel like such a nerd. Digital camera - check, blog - check, insatiable desire to stop reading about other people's lives and start chronicling my own? Priceless.

My own life is pretty interesting - probably stranger than fiction is a more accurate description. That is why this place is called "estranged love." The wiki definition of estranged is as follows;

Estranged -one who formerly was close, who now has (or does) little in common with their former relatives or friends

If that's not right on the money!!! God came into our lives, and we've never been the same. So that "little in common with former friends" couldn't ring more true in our lives. We still have a few of those "friends" but they have simply become those people we speak to around Christmas.
So there you have it - our first post. Enjoy.

Look what I found while thrifting yesterday


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