For your viewing enjoyment I present to you our random thoughts and activities. Many don't even make much sense to us - the authors. Estranged love? This is more of "a strange love."

- The moving drama - that only could happen to us - Friday, June 02, 2006

So as I stated previously, we are in the process of packing up our one bedroom apartment which probably has a 2-bedroom apartment stuffed into it. So here we are, trucking along - emptying out the storage closet, giving away clothes we no longer wear, shredding old paperwork when WHAM everything hits the fan.
Our wonderful leasing office here at our lovely apartment complex calls to tell us they have something serious they need to talk to us about. Apparently the gentleman who currently occupies our future apartment is not ready to pack, and has been playing "hard ball" trying to get a lower rent rate - now he's decided he wants to stay in the apartment. And they don't want him to move because he's been such a long time resident.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!! Okay - if you're not in the mood to hear me rant and rave, it's probably best for you to visit something cute, cuddly, and sweet because I'm about to get real angry black woman on here.
So the ONLY resolve the apartment complex can offer us is another unit. Mind you, we were moving close enough and chose this specific unit because we wouldn't have to get a moving truck - the budget just wasn't having it since we'll be leaving the country in 3 weeks... ya know? So why don't we just take another unit, you may ask.
1) One unit is facing the playground - yes, the playground - where Bebe's kids have free run of the place... and our dear sweet dog doesn't like men, boys, males - whatever (excluding Wee Man - he's her playmate).
2) The other 2 units are a possibility - BUT, you know how every complex has that one building where the young adults hang out in the breezeway flirting, drinking, smoking, whatever? Well - they're both located in this particular building.... when we leave the complex we're constantly trying not to run over one of their bad behinds.

And the real nail in the coffin.... my dear husband decided he wanted to talk to this gentleman who "suddenly decided not to move 1 day before he's scheduled to move out" (as stated by our leasing agent). Well he walked Bali this morning, and knocked on ol' boys door (only A would have the cohones to do something like this). Come to find out - this man had already renewed his lease and had no intention of moving, didn't even know all of this was going on. A said his apartment looked lived in, nothing packed, nothing even remotely suggested this man was going to be moving anytime in the near future. He said he signed something a while back, but was still in the process of trying to buy a home. His mother lives with him and fell ill and had to be rushed to the ICU, so he could no longer afford the home, but the apartment complex said it was okay and he wouldn't have to leave. He thought A was the exterminator - who calls an exterminator if they're moving out you may ask - NO ONE!!

So here we are.... someone is lying in this whole thing. Either this man is a pathological liar, or straight up crazy - or our apartment complex is trying to cover up a botched job by one of their leasing agents. Either way - I feel like crap... let's be honest. I know God is doing something through this, but this is AWFUL!!! We have no where to live as of this very second, and we can't afford a moving truck, and to top it all off, we're being lied to left and right.....God is so going to use this, but I'm still going through sleepless nights, stomach pangs, and headaches.


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