For your viewing enjoyment I present to you our random thoughts and activities. Many don't even make much sense to us - the authors. Estranged love? This is more of "a strange love."

- If you only knew the half... - Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Casa de la 'N' hasn't really been off the chain like it normally is. We're preparing to leave for Nicaragua - well mentally preparing that is. Haven't really started packing, or even bought the items we need for the care packages. I mean, I have yet to take te suitcases down from the far reaches of that junkie galaxy known as our bedroom closet. But it'll all come together, just like it did last year. Last year we were to be at the church by 4am - at midnight our dear friend KJ was doing my hair... talk about last minute touch up.

Last night we were doing our requisite every 15 day grocery store trip (I know we're off by 6 days - details, details) and we heard a familiar voice a few aisle overs. Mind you - this was not one of those voices that soothes your tired ears, that brings comfort to your weary bones.... you know this voice. You know that person that you just can't stand (for lack of a better word)? That person who you only talk to because as a Christian you can't rightfully just write people off completely? We have one of these people.... their voice makes our skin crawl, their laugh makes our brains bleed. Simply seeing them from far away immediately turns into a fight or flee situation. There's no bad blood here, but you just don't "click" with everyone - ya know?

This person was in the store last night, and as we were perusing through the apples we looked up because we heard "the laugh." We looked at one another, and said "no sudden movements, just head to aisle 5." So we did, thinking we were safe from the possibility of an uncomfortable, fake smile converation. No dice..... We start to head down aisle 6 and BAM, we see them there 10 feet in front of us. I fell silent and backed up as quickly as one can in slippery flipflops, while my dear husband had no such luck. This was one of those "I don't have to be faster than the monster chasing us, I just have to be faster than you" situations. He was pumping his legs trying to back up to no avail. His flipflops were just sliding all over the place, and the buggie was heavy so it was stationary... oh the horror. I had to reach in and grab a corner and we ran - I honestly mean we ran to the pharmacy and hid out for a while until the coast is clear. So what did we do last night? We put A's Marine Corp expertise into use and did reconnaissance work in Kroger for 3 hours. If I had known that I would have worn my combat boots and fatigues.


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