For your viewing enjoyment I present to you our random thoughts and activities. Many don't even make much sense to us - the authors. Estranged love? This is more of "a strange love."

- And now the blessing - Monday, June 05, 2006

So as you have read before - we are having moving drama. Or I should rather say we were having moving drama. God has such a sense of humor. I mean, I knew something had to come out of all this nonsense we were going through. And it's not like it was major, major drama - but none the less it still sucks when you're going through all that crap.

The apartment has agreed to give us a storage unit to house all our moving boxes, and the furniture that will be living in our 2 bedroom apartment. Mind you, we weren't able to afford a moving van - but God has now blessed us with one. So how cool is that?? Pretty stinkin cool if you ask me.


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